Welcome to Whetstone Water Improvement District
Welcome to Whetstone Water Improvement District
Whetstone Water Improvement District (WWID) is a small special taxing district serving a portion of the Whetstone area. WWID was formed and in operation since 1982. WWID currently has approximately 370 service connections serving a population of approximately 950 people. WWID currently has 3 wells. Well # 3 was drilled and put into operation in 2020 with a grant paid for by North American Development Bank. Well #3 has a variable frequency drive control enabling it to pump between 2 and 150 gallons per minute depending on the demand. Well #1and Well #2 are each equipped with a storage tank, 2 booster pumps and a pressure tank. Well # 1 pumps approximately 85 gallons per minute Well # 2 pumps approximately 35 gallons of water per minute. The combined storage capability of the 2 storage tanks is approximately 200,000 gallons of water. Well #2 is equipped with a propane generator which allows WWID to continue to provide water to its customers during power outages, this is extremely important during the monsoon season when Arizona experiences frequent power outages. This is also beneficial for fire suppression, WWID has also installed 21 Class C Hydrants throughout the district to allow fire crews to refill their tenders. WWID has 2 employees that oversee the day to day operation of the system and is governed by a 5 member elected board.
BOARD MEMBERS- The Current board members are Steve Usrey Chairman, Lance Amatulli vice chairman, Tony Ennis Treasurer, Joe Dooley Secretary, Kenneth Beane board member.
BOARD MEETINGS- The Whetstone Water Improvement District Regular Scheduled monthly meeting will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7 P.M. 2424 n Calle Segundo.
BOARD MEETING AGENDA POSTINGS- All agendas for board meetings will be posted at a minimum of 24 hours before scheduled meeting on this web page as well as the following locations. Whetstone Water office 2424 N Calle Segundo, Whetstone Fire Department 2422 N Firehouse lane, Huachuca City post office 690 N Gonzales Blvd, and The Chevron station located at 2222 AZ 90.
The current staff are Robert Salazar-Manager/Operator and Tina Linden- backup Operator
Robert Salazar holds a grade 2 water distribution certification from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and Completed the Utility Management Institute Course through North American Development Bank.
Christina Linden holds a grade 1 water distribution certification from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality.
The updated office hours are Monday and Wednesday Noon to 5. Friday 8 to 1. Anyone wishing to contact the Water District Can call the number above or send an email to whetstonewater@whetstonewater.com.
Phone# (520) 456-2125 Fax # (520) 456-1182